BVA’s #BreedtoBreathe campaign

BVA launched a campaign on 5th January, to raise awareness of the issues brachycephalic animals face as a result of their breeding

Our Christmas Competition

This year our Christmas competition gives you the chance to win a beautiful hand-knitted scarf for your cat or dog

Decision-making: Applying to Vet School

There are unique challenges in applying to vet school, and students need to have the right information to make an informed decision about a career in veterinary medicine.

Anaesthesia CPD Survey

ONCORE have created a short survey to help understand which anaesthesia topics will be most relevant and useful to the profession, with opportunity to enter a draw for a FREE place on the first of the courses developed.

Update on RACE-accredited course run in collaboration with VetBloom

The first intake of the RACE-accredited ‘Patient-Friendly Practice’ course that runs as a collaboration between ONCORE and VetBloom recently completed, with some positive feedback received from the participants.

New course to help vets with the medical options for cancer patients

ONCORE Online Learning have made a new addition to their course portfolio, offering veterinary surgeons in general or referral practice three weeks of online, tutor-supported learning covering the medical  options and decision-making processes for treatment of oncology patients.

Does reflective practice fill you with dread?

Does reflection, reflective comments and reflective practice full you with dread?

It didn’t used to with me, I felt I was pretty good with it. Then I did an ONCORE course… and had to keep a reflective diary as part of the course learning, and it still taught me so much that I didn’t realise I even needed to know!

Delegation – are you brave enough?

Delegation is a vital skill in any leadership position, but is not always the easiest aspect of the role to perform. Or rather, perform successfully. So, why is it so important, and why is it something that many leaders avoid – especially when the benefits are so great?

Stepping up our care for the UK rabbit population

All too often rabbits are presented in a veterinary consultation with health issues that are directly caused by incorrect diet, inappropriate environment and lack of understanding for their needs.

Teaching and coaching in practice

In this short article we are going to provide some food-for-thought on some of the key areas that can make a big difference in effective management of your veterinary nursing students, in enhancing the students’ experience, and in making the clinical coach role far more enjoyable and rewarding.