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ONCORE ePD Limited
Registered in England and Wales company number 12534644
Walnut Lodge, Farm Lane, South Littleton,
Worcestershire, WR11 8TL
Motivation – 5 simple steps for motivating your team
/0 Comments/in Newsroom /by Jill MacdonaldThis simple ‘infographic’ offers five simple steps to help with motivating individuals and teams. Consider how well these 5 key elements are incorporated into day-to-day life in your practice, and how you could make them work better for you.
Nurses need to ‘take charge’
/0 Comments/in Newsroom /by Jill MacdonaldRVN Jill Macdonald talks about why we should charge for nurse consultations and clinics, how this may ultimately help us to move forward in the profession, and the simple steps we can take in practice to implement a fee for nurse time.
Feline Hypertension Month
/in Newsroom /by Jill MacdonaldVeterinary staff are being urged to take feline blood pressure measurements at least once a year in cats older than seven, as recommended by the International Society of Feline Medicine (ISFM).
Infection control shake-up!
/in Newsroom /by Jill MacdonaldRVN Lindsay Radcliffe, who works at Moor Cottage Veterinary Hospital in Berkshire, completed our Practical Infection Control course at the end of last year with the aim to review standards in infection control within her practice, and make improvements and adaption as necessary.
Learning Without Landfill
/in Newsroom /by Jill MacdonaldLearning Without Landfill was launched in January 2017 – have you heard about their pledge? Concerned by the high levels of waste created at large events their goal is to engage with the veterinary community to find ways to address the environmental impact conferences have.
They believe we CAN have Learning Without Landfill #LWLpledge – and we do too!
RCVS updates guidance on informed consent
/0 Comments/in Newsroom /by Jill MacdonaldThe RCVS have updated their guidance on chapter 11 of the Code of Professional Conduct in order to provide further advice to the professions on how consent should be discussed with clients to ensure informed consent is gained, and to offer clarification on who can gain consent for a procedure, as well as giving additional guidance on consent forms.