ONCORE have created a short survey to help understand which anaesthesia topics will be most relevant and useful to the profession, with opportunity to enter a draw for a FREE place on the first of the courses developed.
ONCORE are currently developing provision of the online courses that they offer in the field of anaesthesia.
Anaesthesia is a complex and challenging area of veterinary medicine, so it’s no surprise that anaesthesia is a popular topic for CPD, and veterinary professionals have a strong desire to:
- Keep knowledge fresh on topics that may not be used so often, but where this knowledge may still be called upon
- Stay up to date with developments, as anaesthetic techniques, drugs and equipment evolve
- Ensure they are working to the best standards in anaesthesia in their practice and as individuals
- Have knowledge of any recent research in veterinary anaesthesia so that in-house protocols are evidence-based
In human medicine and specialist veterinary centres, anaesthesia staff specialise in this area, and therefore any professional development is focused – in general practice it can be more of a challenge to keep up to date with all of the disciplines that may be covered, so it’s important that staff take away the best that they can from any courses completed.
Engaging learning
All of ONCORE’s courses aim to offer a more in-depth exploration of the topics that they cover. To put this into perspective, many one-day courses may offer an overview of ‘general’ (excuse the pun) anaesthesia topics, offered in a ‘didactic’ lecture format. On ONCORE courses the aim is to provide a ‘backbone’ of information via narrated lectures, moving on to guided, tutor-supported learning via forums, where real-life cases that participants have managed can be discussed, alongside engaging learning on the key topics covered on the course.
Relevant to participant’s practice environments
The courses also provide reading materials, resources and other materials so that participants can perform self-directed study over the duration of the course, and most importantly, in the areas that are relevant to them in their practice environment. This allows participants to maintain some control over their own learning and optimise learning to meet their needs.
Participants also complete a piece of coursework for each course, giving them something solid to take away, discuss with the rest of the team, and implement into practice. This aspect of ‘outcome-based learning’ is so important in ensuring that learning actually reaches the patients.
Survey to gauge which topics are most important
ONCORE aim to provide courses that are most needed by the profession, and in a field such as anaesthesia where so much CPD is available, to provide an aspect of learning that may well not be addressed elsewhere.
Therefore they have created a short survey to encourage input from potential participants to gauge the topics that will be most relevant to them.
The survey runs until the 15th December 2017, and ONCORE are offering a free place on the first course that is developed, with the winner being chosen by a draw on conclusion of the survey.
You can access the survey here.
Find out more about ONCORE’s learning approach
You can find out more about how you will learn on one of ONCORE’s innovative online courses here.
If you have any questions then don’t hesitate to contact us.