Feline Hypertension Month
Veterinary staff are being urged to take feline blood pressure measurements at least once a year in cats older than seven, as recommended by the International Society of Feline Medicine (ISFM).
Veterinary staff are being urged to take feline blood pressure measurements at least once a year in cats older than seven, as recommended by the International Society of Feline Medicine (ISFM).
RVN Lindsay Radcliffe, who works at Moor Cottage Veterinary Hospital in Berkshire, completed our Practical Infection Control course at the end of last year with the aim to review standards in infection control within her practice, and make improvements and adaption as necessary.
Learning Without Landfill was launched in January 2017 – have you heard about their pledge? Concerned by the high levels of waste created at large events their goal is to engage with the veterinary community to find ways to address the environmental impact conferences have.
They believe we CAN have Learning Without Landfill #LWLpledge – and we do too!